Private Local LoRa Networks

LoRa has been getting a lot of attention lately: IBM, Cisco, and Espotel to name a few. She caught my eye early on, but I didn’t really like the idea of thousands of motes broadcasting messages through transparent ‘dumb’ gateways to a central server in the cloud before any useful actions could be taken on … Read more

Android Ant Proposal

We just finished submitting a proposal to the adt-dev Google Group. Here is a link to the new proposal. The goal of the proposal is to get a set of standard Ant tasks developed for Android. We would appreciate some feedback on this proposal. Let us know if you would like to help or have … Read more

Game Development in Android

Thanks to everyone who attended our session on game development in Android yesterday.  Sean, Brian and I all had a great time and enjoyed the questions and interactive discussions.  If you have any other questions for us, send us an email at Here is a copy of the presentation we gave.  Also, the Java … Read more

New Android Examples Added

In preparation for the Twin Cities Java User Group Presentation on August 9th, 2011, the Disgruntled Rats have added new Android example projects to their website. Check out the following link for more information: We will continue adding examples and content to our website that is useful to developers as time permits. Cheers and … Read more

The Quick and Dirty to OpenGL ES 2.0 on Android

This is a short article for those familiar with OpenGL’s programmable pipeline and are interested in using the OpengGL ES 2.0 API for Android development. To use the OpenGL ES API in an Android environment you have to setup a GLSurfaceView object, override the GLSurfaceView.Renderer, and attach the renderer to the surfaceview. Additionally, you could … Read more

DGR will be presenting at the Twin Cities Java User Group on August 8th, 2011

The Disgruntled Rats are presenting information on game development for the Android platform. We have been working on building an Android graphics engine for over a year now and have interesting lessons to share. Everything from basic game components (sound, sprites, events) to complex calculations (AI, transformations, and physics). Also included in the presentation will … Read more